ConTiGO Approach Directory
Here you’ll find occupational therapy professionals who have been certified in the ConTiGO Approach training.

What does it mean to be a ConTiGO Certified therapist?
ConTiGO Certified therapists have passed our certification process in the ConTiGO (Connection & Transformation in the Great Outdoors) Approach. ConTiGO Certified therapists have demonstrated their professional commitment to excellence and expertise in nature-based pediatric therapy by completing continuing education on theoretical frameworks, research evidence, best practices, and outdoor skills related to nature-based therapy service provision for children.
Each ConTiGO Certified therapist runs their own independent business or works for an employer who is an independent business. As such, we encourage you to evaluate them as thoroughly as you would any other healthcare practitioner. Should you choose to work with a ConTiGO Certified therapist, the engagement for services will be directly with the ConTiGO Certified therapist’s business or place of employment.