OT Near Me Directory

Looking for occupational therapy near you? Find OT professionals (occupational therapists and OTAs) worldwide.

Are you an OT professional? Join the OT Directory!

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Focus Areas

Looking for more OT Information?

We can’t wait to connect you with an amazing OT professional, but we understand you may have questions related to our credentials or the settings we work in. Below you’ll find more details about specific OT settings.

OT Practice Settings

On these pages, you’ll find information about each practice area. You’ll also find mini directories where you can search for OTs in their practice areas.

General Information about Occupational Therapy

If scrolling through the directory above has piqued your interest in any other OT-related questions, we have the following guides as a great starting point.

OT Associations Around the World

Occupational therapy is a globally strong profession. If you look at the map and can’t find an OT near you, consider reaching out to your country’s national OT association:

Argentina | Australia | Austria

Bangladesh |Belgium | Bulgaria 

Canada | Caribbean  | Chile  

Colombia  | Croatia | Czech Republic  

Denmark | Estonia | Finland  

France | Germany | Greece 

Hong Kong | India |Iran 

Ireland | Japan | Jordan  

Kazakhstan | Korea | Luxembourg 

Malawi | Malaysia | Mexico 

Morocco | Netherlands | New Zealand 

Norway | Panama | Portugal 

Romania | Singapore | South Africa 

Spain | Sri Lanka | Sweden 

Switzerland | Taiwan | Trinidad  & Tobago 

United Kingdom | United States 

The World Federation of Occupational Therapists has 101 Member Organizations and represents approximately 550,000 occupational therapists around the world! (So, don’t give up! There is likely an OT in your area!)

See Our Partner Directories

OT Directory Terms

The information provided by OT Potential and Potential LLC on the OT Potential Directory is for general informational purposes only and to assist you in finding Directory members that may meet your needs. All information included on the Directory is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information included in the Directory and as accessed by you. 

Further, we rely on each Directory member to keep their licensing, location, and contact information updated as we do not maintain or verify that information on their behalf, therefore we ask that you confirm the information by a second source before relying entirely on the information provided in the Directory. Our goal is to provide you with a helpful starting point in seeking an OT professional and the inclusion of a Directory member is not an endorsement or recommendation by us of a particular Directory member’s services.

Also please keep in mind that you are responsible for the communication between you and any Directory member and we will not be a part of nor liable for any actions, communications, or advice provided by you or any Directory member.

If you do have concerns about incomplete or inaccurate information contained in the Directory, please contact us at hello@otpotential.com.

How Do I Get Added to this OT Directory?

To be listed (and found) on the OT Directory, all you have to do is join the OT Potential Club.