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Bridget Heddens

Bridget Heddens is not currently accepting clients, but would like to connect with fellow OT professionals.


I'm a student in the Denver metro area looking for mentorship and collaboration with community-based OTs dedicated to building equitable spaces.


My name is Bridget Heddens and my pronouns are she/they. I am currently a student in the Creighton/Regis hybrid OT program in Denver. I have over 10 years of experience working with children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities in the community as a recreational therapist, dance-movement teaching artist, accessibility coordinator, and currently as the Co-Founder of BEAM+. This company is a project-based community organization building equitable community spaces for adults with and without disabilities to find genuine belonging.

I am a highly collaborative person when it comes to my work and my career endeavors. I am looking for connections in the OT community, specifically those interested in community integration, advocacy, and sexual health among the adult IDD population. I admit that I have a limited view as a white, able-bodied individual and am always looking for a diverse collaborative team to work with and guide my learning. 
