Moses Ikiugu
Moses Ikiugu
I am an Occupational Therapist with 38 years of experience in Clinical Practice and Occupational Therapy Education.
Moses N. Ikiugu is a Professor and Director of Research in the Occupational Therapy program, the University of South Dakota, USA. He has been an occupational therapist for 38 years and has conducted research and published articles extensively covering Occupational Therapy theory, occupational science, and the nature and use of meaningful occupations in therapy. His publications include three books: Psychosocial conceptual practice models (2007); Occupational Science in the Service of Gaia (2008); and Meaningful Living through Occupation: A Guide to every-day Life (2015) with Nick Pollard of Sheffield Hallam University in England. His most recent work includes an investigation of the use of meaningful and psychologically rewarding occupations as media in occupational therapy interventions (Ikiugu, Lucas Molitor, & Feldhacker, 2022, 2019) and an investigating of the effect of an occupation-based intervention in decreasing stress and improving well-being among Freshman students during the transition to college with a possibility of using the results to make recommendations to NASA on how to prepare astronauts to maintain psychosocial health while in Deep Space Exploration (manuscript under preparation for submission).
Contact Info
Vermillion, South Dakota, USASCSC, Room A364
Vermillion, South Dakota 57069
United States