Hopes and Fears for AI

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The idea of AI transforming occupational therapy stirs both hopes and fears. 

Will it help us revolutionize our broken systems? Will it augment the best of our care? 

Or will it bolster inequality and threaten our jobs? 

This is a story we are actively writing—and have the power to shape.

In this one hour course, we’ll talk to two leading voices on the adoption of AI and OT, Alyson Stover MOT, JD, OTR/L, BCP and Karen Jacobs OT, EdD, OTR, CPE, FAOTA. We’ll discuss how they are currently using AI, what they are learning—and the opportunities for OT in what is shaping up to be the revolution of our lifetime.

AI Research and Supplemental Materials

Learning Objectives

  • You will be able to identify current AI applications for OT treatment that are on the market. 
  • You will be able to recognize simple steps for how an individual OT practitioner can help shape the future of OT and AI.


Discussion on practical implications for OTs

  • 00:00:00 Intro
  • 00:02:29 Intro to Alyson Stover and Karen Jacobs
  • 00:05:44 AI aha-moments
  • 00:12:57 Alyson using AI in her pediatric practice?
  • 00:18:07 Karens AI research and work in academia
  • 00:27:35 How does the revolution of AI compare to past changes in OT
  • 00:30:26 Alyson’s vision that AI should be an arena that OT is the go-to resource for
  • 00:34:26 Will AI push us towards a bio-mechanical way of thinking?
  • 00:39:29 How will our safeguarding systems like ACOTE and AOTA keep up?
  • 00:45:19 How do we develop the moral courage to speak up with things go wrong?
  • 00:52:10 How do we undertake the personal growth AI is prompting?
This course on Hopes and Fears for AI is AOTA approved!

This course is an independent/self-study course delivered via podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play & more.

If you need accommodations to take this course, please contact us and we will address your needs on an individual basis.

If this course were to be canceled, please see our cancellation policy on our terms page.

In order to receive a certificate for this course, you must first listen to the podcast in its entirety. Then, you will need to take the test (found at the top of this page) and earn 75% or higher. If you pass, a certificate will be automatically generated and sent to your email.

Target Audience/Educational Level

Our target audience is occupational therapy practitioners who are looking to learn about Hopes and Fears for AI.  The educational level is introductory.

Financial and Non-financial Disclosures

It is the policy of OT Potential to disclose any financial and non-financial interest the provider or instructor may have in a product or service mentioned during an activity. This is to ensure that the audience is made aware of any bias of the speaker.

We here at OT Potential have no financial stake in this topic. Our guests, Alyson Stover and Karen Jacobs also have no financial disclosures.


Alyson Stover MOT, JD, OTR/L, BCP

Alyson Stover MOT, JD, OTR/L, BCP

A childhood family trauma introduced Alyson to the power of occupational therapy. A subsequent lifetime of study and practice convinced her that consumer advocacy was every bit as essential as her technical practice of occupational therapy.  Now, Alyson and her husband own a private outpatient pediatric practice in a rural county in Pennsylvania and co-founded a non-profit organization that uses occupation to address community, societal and population needs.  She currently serves as the Director of Clinical Services and continues to practice as an occupational therapist at Capable Kids and lead clinical consultant for Capable Families. 

Alyson’s areas of expertise include pediatrics and holistic, occupation-centric approaches to substance misuse and trauma.  Additionally she consults in various capacities, including clinical as well as systems, bringing expert program development knowledge, change at the micro, meso, and macro levels, sustainability, and business resilience/staff wellness.   

Alyson also is committed to promotion of occupational therapy through grassroots advocacy initiatives and development of community collaborations to support community wellness.  She has partnered with many organizations in her hometown to implement innovative, interdisciplinary programs through community grant funding and state funds.  She is AOTA Board Certified in Pediatrics. 

Additionally, Alyson is an associate professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of Pittsburgh where she also obtained her juris doctorate in law with a post-graduate certificate in health law.  Her interests include using occupational therapy as a powerful driving-force for larger health care change, advancing occupational therapy’s national and global relevance and occupational therapy’s role as a leader in policy development and implementation.  Alyson is humbled and honored to serve as the President of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), and is eager to hear the voices of all members of the occupational therapy community.

Karen Jacobs, EdD, OTR, CPE, FAOTA

Karen Jacobs, EdD, OTR, CPE, FAOTA

Karen Jacobs’ research and scholarly pursuits examine the interface between the environment and human capabilities. In particular, she is investigating the individual factors and environmental demands associated with increased risk of functional limitations among populations of university and middle school aged students, particularly in notebook computing, the use of iPads, wearing backpacks, and using telehealth technologies to deliver occupational therapy services. Her research has been supported by grants from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), Office Ergonomics Research Committee (OERC), and the Harvard-NIOSH Education and Research Center as well as  gifts from Hewlett Packard and Microsoft.

Jacobs is the founding editor of the interdisciplinary, international journal Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation. She has published and presented widely on the topics of ergonomics and marketing. She is the author of Ergonomics for Therapists and Occupational Therapy: Work-Related Programs and Assessments; coeditor of Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy Essentials for Clinical Competence, and AOTA’s OT Manager (5th edition). Jacobs is the past-president and vice-president of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) and a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE). She is a 2005 recipient of The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship, the 2009 recipient of the Award of Merit from the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT), the Award of Merit from the American Occupational Therapy Association in 2003, and the 2011 Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship Award from AOTA. In addition, she is a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) and the International Ergonomics Association (IEA).

Sarah Lyon, OTR/L

Sarah Lyon, OTR/L

Sarah’s passion is helping fellow OT practitioners translate evidence into daily practice. Sarah earned her BA in religion from St. Olaf College, then earned her master’s degree in occupational therapy from New York University in 2011.

Since then, she’s worked in numerous facilities, including a critical access hospital, an acute trauma hospital, and a state inpatient psychiatric hospital. Sarah is the founder/owner of OT Potential. Read more about OT Potential here.

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We designed the courses in the Club to meet the requirements for “online” and “independent/self-study” courses. To verify the requirements from your specific state (within the US), check out our post, OT Continuing Education Requirements. If you are outside of the United States and have questions, please contact us.

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See our other OT courses!

  • Pediatric Feeding Therapy
  • Grip Strength as a Vital Sign
  • OT and Value-Based Care
  • What is OT in 2025?
  • AI and Clinical Decision Support
  • OT and BPPV
Hopes and Fears for AI • OT Potential

Today we’ll be covering OT Hopes and Fears for AI. We’ll look at new research and discuss it with Alyson Stover MOT, JD, OTR/L, BCP and Karen Jacobs, OT, EdD, OTR, CPE, FAOTA.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: OT Potential

Course Provider URL: https://otpotential.com/

Course Mode: Online

Start Date: 2024-04-25

Duration: 01:00:00

Repeat Count: 5

Repeat Frequency: Yearly

Course Type: Subscription

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