Kansas OT CEU Requirements & Discounts!

In order to maintain your occupational therapy license in the state of Kansas, you will need to earn 40 hours of continuing education units each cycle. These CEUs are due on odd years during the renewal period (February 15th – April 30th).

Please note: You can easily earn 20 of these hours through OT Potential, as a Class 1(g) self-study course. We also offer live webinars to help you meet Class 1(a) courses. Live webinars are offered monthly, so if you attend them regularly throughout your cycle, you could earn your additional 20 hours.

OK! There are a lot of details to cover here, but we are going to walk through the steps needed ot renew your OT license in Kansas.

Click here to jump straight to the Kansas OT CEU discounts!

Earn your Kansas OT CEUs with
OT Potential!

Get 15% off + 15% goes to support KOTA.

KOTA - Kansas Occupational Therapy Association

Step 1: Look up your OT/OTA license.

To begin the process, I always double-check that my license is displaying correctly. You can look up your Kansas occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant license here.

Step 2: Confirm the Kansas OT continuing education requirements. 

It’s always good to double check for any updates to your 2025 licensing cycle. (One year, I completed ALL of my state of Nebraska requirements only to find out that they were waived due to COVID. 😭)

But, to get you going here is the information I found, with links to where I found it.

Here are the basic OT/OTA CEU requirements in Kansas:

Due on odd years during the renewal period (February 15th – April 30th)

How many hours are required?

  • OTs/OTAs need 40 hours every 24 months

Special considerations:

  • At least 30 contact hours must be earned from class I, class IV, class V, and class VI educational activities, as outlined below.
  • Many educational activities, including online classes, in-service presentations, professional reading, professional publication, and supervising a level II student have limitations on how many contact hours OTPs can submit toward their 40 required hours. See the list below for a detailed breakdown.

Verify here: Kansas State Board Of Healing Arts Occupational Therapy Handbook

Get a 15% discount on OT Potential by using the promo code: Kansas
(We’ll also give 15% of that sale to the Kansas OT Association.)

Here are the specific occupational therapy continuing education requirements for coursework in Kansas:

These were copied from the Kansas State Board Of Healing Arts Occupational Therapy Handbook, which was updated May 2023.

100-54-7. Continuing education; license renewal.

(a)(1) Each licensee shall submit evidence of completing at least 40 contact hours of continuing education during the preceding 24 months. Evidence of this attainment shall be submitted before or with the application for renewal in each odd-numbered year.

(2) No evidence of continuing education shall be required for license renewal in even-numbered years.

(b) A licensee initially licensed within one year of a renewal date when evidence of continuing education must be submitted shall not be required to submit evidence of satisfactory completion of a program of continuing education required by paragraph (a)(1) for that first renewal period. Each licensee who was initially licensed or whose license has been reinstated for more than one year but less than two years from a renewal date when continuing education required by paragraph (a)(1) must be submitted shall be required to submit evidence of satisfactory completion of at least 20 contact hours of continuing education.

(c) Any licensee who cannot meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) or subsection (b) may request an extension from the board. The request shall include a plan for completion of the continuing education requirements within the requested extension period. An extension of not more than six months may be granted by the board for good cause shown by a substantiated medical condition, natural disaster, death of a spouse or an immediate family member, or any other compelling reason that in the judgment of the board renders the licensee incapable of meeting the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) or subsection (b).

(d) A contact hour shall consist of 60 minutes of instruction, unless otherwise specified in this regulation.

(e) The content of the continuing education classes or literature shall be related to the field of occupational therapy or similar areas.

(f) Each licensee shall acquire continuing education from the classes of education experiences defined in subsection (g). The licensee shall acquire at least 30 contact hours from one or more of the following: class I, class IV, class V, and class VI.

(g) Continuing education experiences shall be classified as follows:

(1) Class I: attendance at or participation in an education presentation. Class I continuing education experiences shall include the following types of education offerings:

(A) Lectures. A “lecture” means a discourse given for instruction before an audience or through a teleconference.

(B) Panels. A “panel” means the presentation of a number of views by several professional individuals on a given subject, with none of the views considered a final solution.

(C) Workshops. A “workshop” means a series of meetings designed for intensive study, work, or discussion in a specific field of interest.

(D) Seminars. A “seminar” means directed advanced study or discussion in a specific field of interest.

(E) Symposiums. A “symposium” means a conference of more than a single session organized for the purpose of discussing a specific subject from various viewpoints and presented by various speakers.

(F) College or university courses. Ten contact hours shall be given for each college credit hour with a grade of at least C or a “pass” in a pass/fail course.

(G) Other courses. An “other course” means a home study, correspondence, or internet course for which the provider of the activity evaluates the licensee’s knowledge of the subject matter presented in the continuing education activity. A maximum of 20 contact hours may be acquired from other courses.

(2) Class II: in-service training. “In-service training” means training that is given to employees during the course of employment. A maximum of four contact hours may be given for attending an in-service training session. A maximum of four contact hours may be given for instructing an in-service training session, but no additional hours shall be acquired for attending that particular in-service training session or for any subsequent instruction on the same subject matter. A maximum of eight contact hours may be acquired from class II.

(3) Class III: professional reading. “Professional reading” means reading professional literature, whether printed or provided by audiotapes, videotapes, or electronic media. A maximum of two contact hours may be acquired from class III.

(4) Class IV: professional publication. The maximum number of contact hours that may be given for professional publication shall be as follows:

(A) 30 hours for publication of a book or original paper; and

(B) 15 hours for a review paper, case report, abstract, or book review.

(5) Class V: instructor preparation of class I programs. Any licensee who presents a class I continuing education program or its equivalent may receive three class V contact hours for each hour of presentation. No credit shall be granted for any subsequent presentations on the same subject matter. A maximum of 30 contact hours may be acquired from class V.

(6) Class VI: fieldwork supervision of level II students. One contact hour per week may be given for supervising a level II student’s full-time fieldwork. “Full-time field-work” shall mean at least 35 hours per week. A maximum of 24 contact hours may be acquired from class VI.

(h) Each licensee shall submit documented evidence of attendance at, participation in, or presentation to class I and class II continuing education activities. Each licensee shall submit Occupational Therapy (OT/OTA) Top of the Document Page 24 personal verification for class III activities. Copies of publications shall be submitted for verification of class IV activities. Verification of class VI fieldwork supervision shall be submitted by the licensee’s employer.

(i) Instructional staff shall be competent in the subject matter and in the methodology of instruction and learning processes as evidenced by experience, education, or publication.


Step 3: Earn your CEU hours (discounts below)!

Ok, now that you know your requirements, it is time to start earning those CEUs! There are of course a lot of options out there, but we hope you consider checking out the courses offered by OT Potential.

Do OT Potential courses count toward the continuing education required to renew my license?

Yes! You can earn 20 of your continuing education hours through OT Potential podcast courses, as class 1(g) activities outlined above. You may also be able to earn additional class 1(a) continuing education hours by attending our live webinars!

Where can Kansas OT professionals get the best deals on CEUs?

At OT Potential, our courses are all built around helping you get new evidence into practice.

But, what good is evidence-based practice, if you are not reimbursed appropriately for it? Our local associations do SUCH important advocacy work, when it comes to reimbursement and scope of practice. That’s why we’ve made it part of our mission to support these associations.

So, we have this win-win proposition for you. Join OT Potential using the promo code “Kansas” to receive a 15% discount—and we’ll donate 15% of your order to KOTA.

👍 Price of OT Potential with your Kansas discount = $84.15 (Reg $99)
🎉 Donation amount to KOTA = $12.62

And, the best part is if you decide to renew, it will be at your discounted price. AND, we’ll make another donation to KOTA.

This is one of the cheapest ways to earn all of your required Kansas OT CEUs, and you can feel good doing it because you are giving back to your state association ❤️.

KOTA - Kansas Occupational Therapy Association

(If OT Potential is not right for you, I am also a long-time fan of MedBridge, and through OT Potential, you can snag a MedBridge Promo Code for 40% off.)

Step 4: Renew your license. 🎉

Ok, now it’s time for the big moment.

The renewal cycle for OT begins February 15th and ends April 30th each year.

You can renew your license online.


Hopefully, you found this post helpful!

As you can tell, I am a continuing education nerd 🤓, so if you have any other questions about continuing education and your Kansas OT license renewal, just ask me the comments!

Ok! Ready to try OT Potential?

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