If you obtained your occupational therapy license in the state of Nebraska, you will need to earn continuing education units at required intervals in order to maintain your license. To help, I’m going to walk you through the steps I take to maintain my own occupational therapy license (and easily earn CEUs).💜
Click here to jump straight to the Nebraska OT CEU discounts!
Earn ALL of your Nebraska OT CEUs with OT Potential!
Get 15% off + 15% goes to support NOTA.

Learn more, then use promo code: Nebraska
Step 1: Look up your OT/OTA license.
To begin the process, I always double-check that my license is displaying correctly. You can look up your Nebraska occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant license here.
Step 2: Confirm the Nebraska OT continuing education requirements.
It’s always good to double check for any updates to your 2024 licensing cycle. (One year, I completed ALL of my state of Nebraska requirements only to find out that they were waived due to COVID. 😭)
But, to get you going here is the information I found, with links to where I found it.
Here are the basic OT/OTA CEU requirements in Nebraska:
Your license renewal and continuing education are due on August 1 of even years.
- OTs need 20 hours
- OTAs need 15 hours
Verify here: Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Here are the full occupational therapy continuing education requirements in Nebraska:
These were copied from the full chapter of 114: Licensure of Occupational Therapy, made effective on June 20, 2020.
008. CONTINUING EDUCATION. On or before August 1st of each even-numbered year, individuals holding an active license in the State of Nebraska must complete at least 20 hours of acceptable continuing education if an occupational therapist and 15 hours of acceptable continuing education if an occupational therapy assistant. Continuing education hours must be obtained during the preceding 24-month period.
008.01 CONTINUING EDUCATION HOUR CALCULATIONS. The following provides the hour calculations for acceptable continuing education.
008.01(A) PROGRAMS AT STATE AND NATIONAL ASSOCIATION MEETINGS. Includes, but is not limited to, a meeting of the Nebraska or other state occupational therapy associations or the American Occupational Therapy Association. Must relate directly to the theory of Occupational Therapy. Documentation must include a certificate of attendance and a program outline or objectives. One hour for each hour of attendance.
(Here’s the option met by our OT Potential courses.👇)
008.01(B) WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS, WEBINARS AND CONFERENCES. The content of the continuing education activity must relate to occupational therapy whether the subject is research, treatment, documentation, or education management, and includes monitored videotapes, and in-service programs. Documentation must include a certificate of attendance and a program outline or objectives. One hour for each hour of attendance.
008.01(C) UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE SPONSORED COURSES. The content of the course must relate to occupational therapy whether the subject is research, treatment, documentation, education, or management. Documentation must include an official transcript and a program outline or objectives.
008.01(D) FORMAL SELF-STUDY. The content of the self-study activity must relate to occupational therapy whether the subject is research, treatment, documentation, education, or management. The self-study program must have a testing mechanism. Documentation must include a certificate of completion and a program outline or objectives. One hour for each hour of attendance.
008.01(E) MANAGEMENT COURSES. Must pertain to the practice of occupational therapy. An occupational therapist may complete a maximum of 10 hours of continuing education utilizing management courses each 24-month renewal period. An occupational therapy assistant may complete a maximum of 7.5 hours of continuing education utilizing management courses each 24-month renewal period. Documentation must include a certificate of attendance and a program outline or objectives. One hour for each hour of attendance.
008.01(F) SUPERVISION. Student supervision by an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant. One contact hour is earned for being a primary direct clinical supervisor for each student’s entire level II fieldwork experience. Licensee may receive a maximum of 2 contact hours of continuing education by supervising a student each 24-month renewal period. Documentation must include a copy of the signature page of the completed fieldwork evaluation form for each supervised student.
008.01(G) RESEARCH. Participation in research or other scholarly activities that result in professional publication or acceptance for publication that relate to occupational therapy. Four contact hours will be received for each publication. Licensees may earn up to a maximum of 10 contact hours of continuing education each 24-month renewal period for authorship, editorship, co-authorship, co-editorship, or all of these, of a juried publication relating to occupational therapy. Documentation must include a copy of the final publication or verification of publication.
008.01(H) INFORMAL SELF-STUDY. A licensee may earn up to a maximum of 2 contact hours of continuing education each 24-month renewal period for completion of the following activities or a combination of such activities:
(1) Reading related to occupational therapy practice;
(2) Observing other occupational therapists;
(3) Viewing videotapes without a supervisor; and
(4) Quality assurance or peer review studies.
008.01(H)(i) DOCUMENTATION. Documentation when reading or viewing videotapes must include the name of the article, book or videotape and a brief synopsis of what was learned. Documentation, when observing other therapists and participating in quality assurance and peer review studies, must include a statement from the licensee explaining what was learned.
008.01(I) NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED SPECIALTY CERTIFICATION EXAMINATIONS. A licensee will earn 20 contact hours of continuing education each 24-month renewal period for successful completion of a nationally recognized specialty certification examination related to an area of advanced practice in the field of occupational therapy. Documentation must include a copy of the certification.
008.01(J) PRESENTATIONS. One hour credit will be awarded for each hour of scientific presentation by a licensee at workshops, seminars, in-service training, conferences, or guest lectures which relate to the practice of occupational therapy. A licensee may receive continuing education credit for only the initial presentation during a renewal period. Credit will not be given for subsequent presentations of the same program. A licensee may complete a maximum of 4 hours of continuing education credit for presentations in a 24-month renewal period. A licensee’s documentation must include the presentation outline, course objectives, date, location, time, and type of audience.
008.01(K) NON-ACCEPTABLE CONTINUING EDUCATION. Continuing education credit will not be awarded for programs where the content does not relate to occupational therapy whether the subject is research, treatment, documentation, education, or management, including but not limited to:
(i) Medical terminology courses;
(ii) Occupational therapy on-the-job training;
(iii) Occupational therapy orientation programs, including orientation to new policies, procedures, equipment, forms, responsibilities, services, etc.; or
(iv) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or other related training.
Step 3: Earn your CEU hours (discounts below)!
Okay, now that you know your requirements, it is time to start earning those CEUs! There are of course a lot of options out there, but we hope you consider checking out the courses offered by OT Potential.
Do OT Potential courses count toward the continuing education required to renew my license?
Yes! In Nebraska, you can earn all of your CEUs online—which means you can complete all of your required education at OT Potential. (Our courses fall under 008.01(B), as outlined above.)
Where can Nebraska OTs get the best deals on CEUs?
At OT Potential, our courses are all built around helping you get new evidence into practice.
But, what good is evidence-based practice if you are not reimbursed appropriately for it? Our local associations do SUCH important advocacy work to support OT reimbursement rates and scope of practice. That’s why we’ve made it part of our mission to support these associations.
So, we have a win-win proposition for you. Join OT Potential using the promo code “Nebraska” to recieve a 15% discount—and we’ll donate 15% of your order to NOTA.
👍 Price of OT Potential with your NOTA discount = $84.15 (Reg $99)
🎉 Donation amount to NOTA = $12.62
The best part? If you decide to renew, it will be at this discounted price, AND we’ll make another donation to NOTA.
This is one of the cheapest ways to earn all of your required CEUs, and you can feel good doing it because you are giving back to your state association ❤️.

(If OT Potential is not right for you, I am also a long-time fan of MedBridge, and through OT Potential, you can snag a MedBridge Promo Code for 40% off.)
Step 4: Renew your license. 🎉
Okay, now it’s time for the big moment.
You can renew your license online or send in the renewal paperwork via mail. I always renew online, but I highly recommend looking at the paper version, because you will get to see the questions you must answer before you start the renewal process.
For example, you will have to select one of the following to describe your continuing education status:
- Yes, I have completed my continuing education requirement, or will complete it by 8/01/2024.
- Yes, I was first licensed in Nebraska after 08/02/2022, so continuing education is not required.
- Yes, I chose Active-Military status, so continuing education is not required.
- Yes, I was not able to complete my continuing education requirement due to circumstances beyond my control. (You must submit documentation to support this waiver request.)
Hopefully, you found this post helpful!
As you can tell, I am a continuing education nerd 🤓, so if you have any other questions about continuing education and your Nebraska OT license renewal, just ask me the comments!
Ok! Ready to try OT Potential?
Get 15% off + 15% goes to support NOTA.

Learn more, then use promo code: Nebraska