Helpful List of OT Journals

In this post, you’ll find a helpful list of occupational therapy journals. These will give you a taste of the breadth of OT research out there.

Occupational therapy is a holistic health profession. Which means the research that supports our care comes from many different disciplines. 

In this post, you’ll find a helpful list of occupational therapy journals. These will give you a taste of the breadth of OT research out there. We’ll begin with a list of journals that are specifically focused on OT. Then share our growing list of journals that publish research related to OTs. 

The journals with related research were pulled from our lists of the most influential OT research—and then featured in the OT Potential Club. (You’ll see below that this list includes some of the most prestigous peer-reviewed journals in healthcare!)

If you know of any OT journals we missed or would like to see them organized differently, please let us know in the comments!

A quick note on access:

It feels like more and more journal articles are getting moved out from behind paywalls, making them free to the general public.

But, very few journals themselves are completely open access. I’ll highlight the open access journals at the top of each category to make them easy to find for you.

OT-specific journals

Open access OT journals:

Additional OT journals:

Journals that publish OT-related research

Open access journals:

Additional journals publishing OT-related research:

How OT Potential helps you dig into the research

At OT Potential, our mission is to help you make a habit of regularly diving into research to grow your OT practice. One of the best ways to begin your evidence-based practice journey with us is to listen to our evidence reviews and discussions on our OT Potential Podcast Courses. And, ultimately, the best way to stay up to date on new evidence is to join the OT Potential Club.

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