If you obtained your occupational therapy license in the state of Florida, you will need to earn continuing education units at required intervals in order to maintain your license. To help, I’m going to walk you through the steps I take to maintain my own occupational therapy license (and easily earn CEUs).💜
Through OT Potential you can earn 21 of your hours during your first cycle, and 22 after that! You would need to attend our live webinars on a regular basis to meet all 14 hours of live courses. Then the other 8 hours could be obtained by our on-demand courses. We do not offer courses on medical errors and laws/rules (4 hours required) or HIV/AIDS (1 hour required during your first renewal cycle.)
Click here to jump straight to the Florida OT CEU discounts!
Earn your Florida OT CEUs with
OT Potential!
Get 15% off + 15% goes to support FOTA.

Learn more, then use promo code: Florida
Step 1: Look up your OT/OTA license.
To begin the process, I always double-check that my license is displaying correctly. You can look up your Florida occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant license here.
Step 2: Confirm the Florida OT continuing education requirements.
It’s always good to double check for any updates to your 2025 licensing cycle. (One year, I completed ALL of my state of Nebraska requirements only to find out that they were waived due to COVID. 😭)
But, to get you going here is the information I found, with links to where I found it.
Here are the basic OT/OTA CEU requirements in Florida:
License must be renewed by midnight, Eastern Time, on February 28, 2025.
How many hours are required?
- OTs/OTAs need 26 hours
- At least 14 hour must be in person or from interactive, real-time courses
Required topics:
- 2 hours of medical errors courses every renewal cycle
- 2 hours of laws and rules courses every renewal cycle
- 1 hour of HIV/AIDS courses for the first renewal cycle only
Here are the occupational therapy continuing education requirements for coursework in Florida:
These were copied from the Florida Administrative Rule: 64B11-6.001.
64B11-6.001 Continuing Education Program Approval.
(1) Continuing education credit will be awarded only for completion of licensed programs or those that are Board-approved as provided in this rule. Continuing education program providers seeking initial licensure approval by the Board shall pay a fee of $250. Continuing education providers seeking renewal of provider status shall also pay a $250 fee each biennium. To receive Board approval, a continuing education program:
(a) Should be submitted for the Board’s approval not less than 90 days prior to the date the initial offering is scheduled;
(b) Shall be relevant to the practice of occupational therapy as defined in section 468.203(4), F.S., must be offered for the purpose of keeping the licensee apprised of advancements and new development in occupational therapy, and shall be designed to enhance learning and skills consistent with contemporary standards for occupational therapy practice.
(c) Shall have its sponsor submit to the Board at least the following:
1. A statement of the educational goals and objectives of the program,
2. A detailed course outline or syllabus, including such items as method of instruction, testing materials, if any, and identify whether the course is interactive or noninteractive,
3. A current curriculum vitae of each speaker or lecturer appearing in the program,
4. The procedure to be used for recording attendance of these attendees seeking to apply for continuing education credit and the procedure for certification by the program’s registrar of attendance; and,
5. A sample certificate of completion.
(2) When attending an approved program, a licensee must attest by signature that he or she has attended the workshop and attendance must be certified by the program’s registrar.
(3) The provider shall maintain records of each course offering for 4 years following each licensure biennium during which the course was offered. Course records shall include a detailed course outline which reflects its educational objectives, the instructor’s name, the date and location of the course, the participants’ evaluations of the course, the hours of continuing education credit awarded for each participant and a roster of participants by name and license number. The Board, as a condition of a program or provider approval, may audit an approved provider. Upon being audited by the Board, the provider shall provide within 30 days all the documentation listed above in this subsection and such additional information as requested by the Board.
(4)(a) Programs meeting the above criteria and offered by the Florida Occupational Therapy Association (FOTA), the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), providers sanctioned by the FOTA or approved by the AOTA, and occupational therapy courses, meeting the above criteria, provided by an education program approved by an accrediting body for occupational therapy shall be approved by this Board for continuing education and shall not pay the fees required in subsection (1) of this rule.
(b) Courses sponsored by a college or university when providing a curriculum for occupational therapists or occupational therapy assistants shall be awarded 10 hours of continuing education credit per semester hour and shall be verified by official transcripts.
(5) Courses and programs not approved in subsection (1) or (4), above, shall be approved as appropriate continuing education if said course or program meets the following criteria:
(a) The content of the course or program is relevant to the practice of occupational therapy as defined in paragraph (1)(b) of this rule.
(b) The course or program is presented by instructor(s) who possess appropriate education, experience and credentials relevant to the course or program’s subject matter.
(c) The course or program’s educational goals, objectives and teaching methods are adequately identified in promotional materials.
(d) The course or program must be presented in a time block of at least one half contact hour. “One (1) contact hour” equals a minimum of fifty (50) minutes. One half (1/2 or .5) contact hours equals a minimum of twenty-five (25) minutes.
(e) The provider of the course or program must present a certificate indicating full attendance and successful completion of the course or program to each licensee.
(f) The licensee must retain such receipts, vouchers, certificates, or other papers to document completion of the required continuing education for a period of not less than four (4) years from the date the course was taken.
I also want to highlight that this clarification is given specifically about live courses on this page, which highlights that live courses can still be online, but must provide realtime interaction.
Step 3: Earn your CEU hours (discounts below)!
Ok, now that you know your requirements, it is time to start earning those CEUs! There are of course a lot of options out there, but we hope you consider checking out the courses offered by OT Potential.
Do OT Potential courses count toward the continuing education required to renew my license?
Yes! You can earn 21 of your hours during your first cycle, and 22 after that! You would need to attend our live webinars on a regular basis to meet all 14 hours of live courses. Then the other 8 hours could be obtained by our on-demand courses. We do not offer courses on medical errors and laws/rules (4 hours required) or HIV/AIDS (1 hour required during your first renewal cycle.
We do report to CE Broker. Here’s the details:
- We report OT Potential course completions every 24 hours.
- OT Potential is approved by the Florida Board of OT
- Our CE Broker # is 50-33236
Where can Florida OT professionals get the best deals on CEUs?
At OT Potential, our courses are all built around helping you get new evidence into practice.
But, what good is evidence-based practice, if you are not reimbursed appropriately for it? Our local associations do SUCH important advocacy work, when it comes to reimbursement and scope of practice. That’s why we’ve made it part of our mission to support these associations.
So, we have this win-win proposition for you. Join OT Potential using the promo code “Florida” to receive a 15% discount—and we’ll donate 15% of your order to FOTA.
👍 Price of OT Potential with your Florida discount = $84.15 (Reg $99)
🎉 Donation amount to FOTA = $12.62
And, the best part is if you decide to renew, it will be at your discounted price. AND, we’ll make another donation to FOTA.
This is one of the cheapest ways to earn all of your required Florida OT CEUs, and you can feel good doing it because you are giving back to your state association ❤️.

(If OT Potential is not right for you, I am also a long-time fan of MedBridge, and through OT Potential, you can snag a MedBridge Promo Code for 40% off.)
Step 4: Renew your license. 🎉
Ok, now it’s time for the big moment.
You can renew your license online.
Hopefully, you found this post helpful!
As you can tell, I am a continuing education nerd 🤓, so if you have any other questions about continuing education and your Florida OT license renewal, just ask me the comments!
Ok! Ready to try OT Potential?
Get 15% off + 15% goes to support FOTA.

Learn more, then use promo code: Florida