OT Forums and Communities

OT Forums & Communities

Our work as OTs is complex. And, sometimes it’s necessary to bounce our ideas and challenges off of fellow occupational therapy professionals.

Luckily, we are a collaborative bunch, and there are many online OT forums and communities where we can connect with like-minded peers.

Below, we list some of the most popular options for connecting with fellow OTs & OTAs.

Forums for practicing OTs and students

The OT Potential Club

Cost to join: $79/year

We are so proud of the discussions happening in the OT Potential Club. We discuss the most important new research coming out, particularly how it impacts OT practice. Every other week, we provide a written overview of a new journal article, and then the real magic happens—OTs from all over the world weigh in with their thoughts and questions on the topic. Then, the following week, we release a podcast with an expert guest, where we discuss the research we just reviewed. It’s such a fun process—and it really helps you digest new research, so I hope you will consider joining us.

WFOT’s Occupational Therapy International Online Network

Cost to join: Free

This is one of my favorite forums because it’s nicely organized, well managed, and completely free!

Per the website: “OTION is a dedicated forum, created by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, that enables occupational therapists, assistants and students from across the world to network, share ideas and communicate with the profession as a whole.”

Here are the subcategories on the forum you can follow:

  • Education
  • Practice
  • Research
  • Students
  • Working in another country
  • Studying in another country
  • Evidence-based practice and research

AOTA’s CommunOT

Cost to join: $225/year

CommunOT is for members of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). This has been a long-standing forum—but, at the time of this writing, it appears to be down. I will keep digging into it and post any updates here.

Reddit’s Occupational Therapy Forum

Cost to join: Free

If you’re a Reddit user, definitely check out the occupational therapy subreddit. You’ll have many opportunities to get into the weeds on a variety of topics, or you can simply keep up with various conversations in and around the field of occupational therapy. One of the most popular discussions you’ll find centers around jobs and career paths.

Therapy Forum – The OT Hub

Cost to join: Free

The OT Hub is based out of the UK, but it provides free resources for OTs across the globe. I keep a free membership there, which is a requirement if and when I weigh in on their forum. Activity seems to ebb and flow, but it’s definitely worth checking out!

Forums for getting into OT school:

The Student Doctor Network

Cost to join: Free

The Student Doctor Network has a sub-forum specifically for OTD students. This is a popular place to talk about getting into an OTD program.

Occupational Therapy Forums – MedWorm

Cost to join: Free

MedWorm feels like a healthcare Reddit. This is another place to discuss getting into OT schools.

Multicultural, Diversity, and Inclusion (MDI) Networks

Ok, from what I can tell AOTA created The Multicultural Diversity & Inclusion Network in 1995. While MDI does not appear to still be an active initiative, the groups that were born out of this movement remain active. Here they are:

OT Facebook Groups:

If you are a Facebook user, there are lots of groups for you to get plugged into!

Adult rehab Facebook groups

Pediatric OT Facebook groups

OT student Facebook groups

General OT Facebook groups

OT LinkedIn Groups

Finally, as a social media platform geared more toward professionals, LinkedIn is a great place to connect with your fellow OT professionals. Here are the groups I’m a part of:


As an OT, you should never feel isolated in your work. There are 500,000+ occupational therapy professionals around the globe who share your mission. Take the time reach out and get plugged in. Your work will benefit—and it’s truly one of life’s joys to do good work with like-minded people by your side.

If we missed any online OT forums or communities, please let us know in the comments!

3 replies on “OT Forums and Communities”

Hey Devorah! Did you try to join the OTION forum? From my understanding, you do not actually have to be a member of WFOT to be part of this forum. (You are right about how their membership structure works!)

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