Occupational Therapy Ethics CEUs | 9 OT Courses

Earn your AOTA-Approved occupational therapy continuing education units (CEUs) with our online OT ethics courses! Scroll down to learn how our 9 ethics OT CEU courses address OT’s core values—and find out which states require ethics courses.

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Courses that explore ethics in occupational therapy

One of our values at OT Potential is to “do justice” and help create a world that is more equitable and humane. That’s why it’s so important to us to offer courses that help you develop your understanding of ethics in occupational therapy.

Our podcast-based courses are based on the most influential OT journal articles from the past 5 years. And, ethics comes up often, as some of our profession’s brightest minds are focused on advancing alignment in our values. 

Here are our 9 ethics courses, under the AOTA Code of Ethics core value that they do a deep dive into:

  1. Altruism 
  2. Equality
  1. Freedom
  2. Justice
  1. Dignity
  2. Truth
  3. Prudence 

To take one of our courses, all you need to do is listen to the episode of the OT Potential Podcast and then join the OT Potential Club to take a test and generate a certificate.

Meet your occupational therapy CEU requirements for only $99 per year!

🎧 Podcast courses designed to meet your OT CEU/PDU/CPD requirements

📃 Downloadable certificates for members who pass a short quiz
(28,673 certificates awarded!)

✅ AOTA-approved; meets NBCOT requirements

✅ Results reported to CE Broker every 24 hours

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.8 (4,300+ Course Reviews)

States that require continuing education courses on OT ethics

In our post on OT CEU requirements, we’ve identified the following states that require an OT ethics course. Under each state we are sharing the exact language around the requirement and a link to the source document.  

Georgia (2 hours, each renewal)

“Each licensee must complete a minimum of two (2) hours of the required twenty-four (24) continuing education hours in the ethics of occupational therapy practice. These hours may be obtained online.” 

Per the Rules and Regulation of the State of Georgia 

Illinois (1 hour, each renewal)

“In each renewal period, one contact hour shall include a course in ethics.” 

Per the Illinois Administrative Code 

North Carolina (1 hour, each renewal)

“For each renewal period, the licensee shall document completion of at least one contact hour of a qualified activity for maintaining continuing competence related to ethics in the practice of occupational therapy that shall be included in the total points for the year. Continuing competence activities in ethics shall be related to developing the licensee’s ability to reflect on, determine, and act on the moral aspects of practice as required by Rule .0308 of this Chapter.”

For reference: .0308 CODE OF ETHICS 

“Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 90-270.76(a)(2) the Board adopts by reference the Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics (2005) of the American Occupational Therapy Association, including subsequent amendments and editions. Copies of the American Occupational Therapy Association Code of Ethics may be obtained online at aota.org at no cost. To the extent the Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics might conflict with the North Carolina Occupational Therapy Practice Act or the Rules of the North Carolina Board of Occupational Therapy, the North Carolina Occupational Therapy Practice Act or the Rules of the North Carolina Board of Occupational Therapy shall take precedent.”

Per The Rules of the North Carolina Board

Ohio (1 hour, each renewal)

“License holders shall complete at least one contact hour of ethics, jurisprudence, or cultural competence education per renewal cycle.” 

Per the Ohio Administrative Code 

Tennessee (1 hour, each renewal)

“One (1) hour of the required twenty-four (24) continued competence credits shall pertain to the AOTA Code of Ethics or other ethics related continued competence activities which have implications for the practice of occupational therapy.”

Per the Rules of the Tennessee Board of OT

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Beyond Occupational Injustice with Antonia Suszek • OT Potential

Today we’ll be covering “Beyond Occupational Injustice.” We’ll look at new research and discuss it with Antonia Suszek, OTR/L, BCPR.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: OT Potential

Course Provider URL: https://otpotential.com/

Course Mode: Online

Start Date: 2021-07-12

Duration: 01:00:00

Course Type: Subscription

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