Connecting with bloggers from the occupational therapy world can be a great way to breathe new life into your OT practice.
Over the years, I’ve gotten to know many of these bloggers and can testify to the hard work and passion that goes into each of these platforms. Thank you to all of the bloggers who are working so hard to share quality OT information online!
(Once you find the best OT blogs for you, I recommend signing up for mailing lists!)
How we decided to sort this list of OT blogs
Below you’ll find 17 OT blogs that are being updated and managed on a monthly basis as of October 2021. We will try to keep this list up to date so you can always know you’ll find active OT bloggers here.
The list is broken down into two practice areas (pediatrics & adult rehab), and presented alphabetically within each area.
Adult Rehab
Holistic OT
Emmy Vadnais is the primary writer on the blog and she regularly shares insights and research about integrating mind, body, spirit medicine, prevention, and wellness into OT Practice.
My OT Spot
My OT Spot is a resource for anyone interested in the occupational therapy career path, OT students, and new OTs working with adult and geriatric populations. The purpose behind My OT Spot is to inspire and educate the occupational therapy community. Sarah Stromsdorfer aims to give OTs actionable, evidence-based interventions with a focus on function and occupation.
OT Graphically
OT Graphically was started by Katie Caspero to help support clinicians who want to stay up to date but, due to increasing time constraints on the healthcare profession, have a challenging time making this happen.
Seniors Flourish
Seniors Flourish is run by Mandy Chamberlain and helps geriatric occupational therapists and caregivers keep older adults independent through education, tips, recommendations, patient handouts, and videos. Mandy also runs the “OT Learning Lab” – a membership site just for geriatric OTs to make your job working with older adults easier!
Shannen Marie OT
An occupational therapy blog by Shannen Marie with tidbits of mOTivation, apparel reviews, life, and creativity.
Stay at Home Solutions
Maria created Stay at Home Solutions to help caregivers with taking care of their family members at home. Caregiving is the most complicated, rewarding experience anyone can have. Caregivers desire their loved ones to fulfill their vision of remaining in their home and community for as long as they like. Stay at Home Solutions is right here to support you in this mission!
WebPT is my go-to source for easy to understand articles about changing legislation and documentation requirements. I especially pay attention when the posts are from Veda Collmer a licensed OT and attorney.
Solidago Ventures & Consulting
Kary Gillenwaters sees a world where each person’s wholeness and dignity are revered, and all individuals are cared for, valued and appreciated for their unique contributions to the whole.
CanDo Kiddo
Rachel Coley is a pediatric OT writing to mamas of newborns. She encourages creative play ideas to keep the youngsters active and healthy.
Devon Breithart
Devon has a passion for working in the public school system, which eventually led to creating The Dynamic School OT – an online course and mentorship program for school-based therapists who want to become more effective, confident, and happy in their practice. She is a freelance writer and supports other OTs through writing test prep questions, blog posts, and website copy.
The Inspired Tree House
Claire Heffron and Lauren Drobnjak are a OT & PT team who have worked together for several years now. On the blog they share activities that they are using in the clinic and at home with their own children.
Marvelous Mirracles
Amirra Condelee is a pediatric OT, dog mama, and lover of headbands. She creates content to help you help little mirracles fulfill big dreams while sharing her life as a new-ish graduate practicing in Early Intervention and trying to climb out of significant student loan debt.
OT Park
Hiral Khatri believes that all children are capable of reaching their full potential when provided with age appropriate skill challenges, proper tools, and enough opportunities.
The OT Toolbox
Colleen Beck, founder of the OT Toolbox, has created resources, tools, ideas, and activities geared toward the healthy development of kids. Based on function and occupation-centered activities, the ideas shared on this site promote the underlying skills needed for action and performance in kids.
The Pocket OT
Cara Koscinski is passionate and excited about providing quality treatment to children with special needs. This is evident by her additional training and drive to seek new and fun ways to help children to achieve their goals. By forming a partnership with the caregiver, goals for therapy can be met faster and while everyone is having fun!
Your Kid’s OT
Cindy is an OT blogger hailing from Sydney Australia. She is an advocate for incidental learning and finding opportunities to teach kids in everyday life. Her site is full of ideas for elementary aged kids.
Your Therapy Source
Your therapy source is a site for special education and pediatric OT & PT. They are consistently adding new items to their pool of resources. Following their blog helps you stay appraised of new products.
There you have it! I hope you enjoy following some of these blogs as much as I do! On a final note, I think that in addition to following your favorite writers, it is important to get plugged into online OT communities, where you can share your thoughts and ask questions. So, another great post of ours to look at would be OT Forums and Communities.
If you have a favorite OT blog that I missed, please include it in the comments!
This post was edited 5/5/15, 5/16/15, 2/1/16, 1/16/17, 1/18/19, and 10/6/21.
57 replies on “17 of the Top Occupational Therapy (OT) Blogs”
Group by Group thanks you so much for including us on you list!
Absolutely Joy! I love the work that you guys are doing!
Thank you, Sarah, for keeping your eyes and ears open to great OTs sharing and supporting one another via blogs! Please also visit the HolisticOT.org website and blog that has great information on integrating Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine, Prevention & Wellness into OT practice (what has commonly been referred to as CAM – Complementary/Alternative Medicine) at http://holisticot.org/blog
Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L
Hi Emmy! I can’t believe I forgot to include the holistic OT blog. I will include it now as a bonus read! I love that you blogged everyday during OT month- what a great personal challenge as a blogger and a great way to provide resources and raise awareness during April.
Thank you for sharing this! As the Social Media Coordinator and an OT at Sensational Achievements LLC, I am always looking for great blogs to follow and share with! Great work! Cassandra Andrade, MS, OTR/L
Hi Cassandra! I just checked out your website. Looks like a great company with great services. Glad to make the connection!
Awesome, I love it 🙂
This is great list! We just re-developed our website and hope to contribute to the online community. We are a network of Hispanic OT’s–www.todosinusa.org. Please connect! Gracias 🙂
Hi Leo! Great work on the website! It looks like an awesome resource with an amazing mission. I just liked TODOs on Facebook! I would love to feature your work in a guest post sometime. Email me at sarah@otpotential.com, if that is something that would be of interest to you.
Thank you for including OT in Motion on your list! I’m looking forward to an evening of exploring new blogs!
You Betcha! Did I ever tell you that I almost called my blog "Motion"? It is such a good name!!!!
I just loved this list! Thanks for this amazing source of information. I was knowing about OT connections only. Happy to get these all !
Yes! There are some great bloggers out there…and I feel like I keep discovering more!
Sara, thank you very much for including Heart of OT !!
Absolutely! This is one of my favorite posts to keep updating. I’m excited to follow your work!
A little about why movement is so essential for learning!
Thank you so much for sharing this blog’s information. It is indeed a big help.
Thanks, Hiral! And thank you for being such a loyal reader!
Thank you so much for sharing, Sarah! I’m an OT in Mental Health working with adolescents and young adults (TAY – 18 to 25 y.o.) and would love to see if you know of resources for those in the behavioral health field. Thanks again!!
Hi Maria! Sorry for the slow reply! I took some time off from the blog while my family was in the middle of a move. I really want to create a whole post about this topic some day soon. I’ve worked in behavioral health and resources are definitely more difficult to find.
Tina Champagne was definitely my top resource for promoting evidenced backed interventions to my facility. Here is her website- http://www.ot-innovations.com
Tina also moderates a great facebook group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/253712334753788
Are you looking for curriculum ideas as well? After a quick search, I cannot find the book I was using as a guide, but if it would be helpful, I can keep digging.
Don’t forget the Entwistle Power OT blog. Fantastic daily health tips and articles about OT! http://www.entwistlepower.com/blog
Hi Erin!
Thank you for reminding me about Entwistle! I will contact them about inclusion on the list!
Mice and wonderful post
I started a blog at the end of last year to keep up with current topics in OT and present OT Resource information. I would love it if you took a look at my blog. http://www.otcollective.com
Julia McVicker, MS, OTR/L Atlanta, Georgia
Hi Julia! Thank you so much for introducing me to your site! I will add you to the list on the blog. There are not many bloggers who focus on the UE which seems to be your specialty! If you have a moment at some point I would love to hear about your hopes and dreams for your blog!
Hi Sarah!
I love this blog. In fact, sometimes my professors send us links from here 🙂
I started a blog last summer and would love for you to have a look at it and give any feedback. https://aspiringotblog.wordpress.com/
Thank you!
This is looking great Jeanette! I’m excited to follow you. I think you will enjoy the east coast! I also moved out there for OT school and loved it! I’m jealous that you are attending conference this year. I am taking the year off 🙁
I recently started an OT blog about being an OT student! It is called acupot.com. I would love for you to check it out and let me know what you think 🙂 Hopefully its your cup of tea!
I love this blog name!!! I just followed you on your social media channels! Looking forward to keeping up with your postings.
I publish blogs about keeping OT real in these challenging times in health care. My website is <authenticot.com>, and I am on FaceBook at Authentic Occupational Therapy. I also write for Today in OT. I invite anyone who feels that occupational therapy is much more than a job to give me a read and join in the conversations.
–Debora Davidson, PhD, OTR/L
Thanks so much for sharing this, Debora! I always love you articles on Today in OT and now I’m excited to follow your blog!
I love this blog not because of it relevant for my mother but also for the way you(Sarah Lyon) provide information. What amazing is there is certainly many people wants to make career in this field. You can also check this from my job page at : https://www.facebook.com/MorganAllJobs/
Here you can also find many jobs according to your skills. Do have a visit at this.
TopOT is based on Occupational Therapy Schools blog. In it we will be able to find all the information regarding Occupational Therapy Schools such as Online Programs, Requirements, Salary and Job Outlook.
Can you provide the URL? I’m not finding it!
I appreciate your efforts in collecting the information. Thank you for providing this information.
Thank you for providing us with these new details.
Hello! Im a senior OT student and I am also starting an OT blog. Any tips for getting started?
Hi Julia!
My main piece of advice would be find a small project to trial whether you enjoy content creation. Maybe try writing a blog post for your fieldwork location’s website or creating a handout? Content creation is it’s own beast and it takes several dedicated years typically to get a blog/website up and running. So it’s worth experimenting with whether you enjoy it and what your strengths are.
That being said my friend, Chanda, just published a blog post for therapists on starting a website. It might be helpful to look through!
Hey Sarah, great list! It showed me a couple new blogs that I’m looking forward to reading. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Also, next time you update this post, it would be awesome if you included our blog for COTA. I noticed you didn’t have any blogs dedicated to OT Assistants, like ours is.
Our site is called "OTA Guide" you can check us out here: https://occupational-therapy-assistant.org/
Hey Sarah, first of all, I would like to thank you for a great list. This list is very useful for inspiration. I would like to offer my blog. I’m OT too. My site is in Lithuanian language, so my blog can be first of international blogs on your list 😉 my blog: https://ergoterapeutas.lt
What an awesome site! I am creating a new category for it right now!!
Join the community and grab tons of resources at http://www.theottoolbox.com. Our newsletter subscribers gain access to lots of extra printable tools they can start using immediately. We share many resources, activities, and tools on our large social media outlets too!
WHY isn’t the OT Toolbox on my list? This is an over sight! I will be sure to add you guys next time I do an update!
Definite shout out to OT Toolbox. I love the activities and actionable tips they have!
Great list of resources. Another great source is OT Mamacita https://otmamacita.com for less/school based and implementing everyday OT strategies to parenting.
Such a fun read! Thank you for sharing!!
Hey Sarah, great list! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
we (Payal & Deepam) both are occupational therapists and have a blog about OT. If you haven’t visited our site, please visit us at https://occupationaltherapyot.com
Also, whenever you will update this post, kindly add our blog in your list. It will be an honor to see our blog name on your top blog list.
Hello Im actually here because I have a career project for one of my college classes and I need to interview a OTA and I don’t know any so I just came here.I was wondering if any of yall have the time if you can please email me my project is due on Monday my email is briannavalerie24@gmail.com
I like http://www.otdude.com This site has OT updates, a blog, rehab calculators, treatment ideas, references, etc.
Check out devotedot.com! A blog for emerging occupational therapists, written by a clinician in the pediatric OT field. Therefore, the content will have a pediatric OT perspective, but is for all OT’s. The content will begin to focus on pediatric OT ideas and materials as well
If you’re an OT looking to develop your career and participate in continuing education courses that teach the latest research and techniques, visit Education Resources, Inc.’s blog. With the information on the latest techniques, posts by industry-leading therapists, and updates on continuing education courses around the county, ERI’s blog allows you to connect and share ideas that improve patient outcomes and advances your careers.
Hey, Sarah
You have created the great list of OT Blogs, Actually I also started the Blog Related to Occupational Therapy Schools in USA blog where I post about the best Occupational Therapy Schools in the USA, and Schools Requirements, Prerequisites works and much more. If you like it consider adding it to the list.
URL : bestoccupationaltherapyschools.com
This page is awesome and helps so much. During these crazy times, I’ve had to be at home and still help kids… a device I found super useful is Write Right Stylus… helps my kids hold a writing device so well!
Very beneficial blogs list. Keep posting.
Thank you so much for sharing about Solidago Ventures and Consulting and our blog To a life well occupied! We are new to the blogging world so it was extra exciting to see you knew of us, Sarah.
We are passionate about the general public understanding themselves and one another as occupational beings and the value meaningful occupations bring to their lives.
We love shining a light on people being themselves and how they connect to restore and build the wellbeing of not only ourselves, but also the community.
We hope to become one of the go to resources to connect occupational therapists and the general public.
Thanks for being part of making that vision become a reality. Here’s to each of us doing our part and connecting!
Hi! One topic that isn’t listed is mental health! My name is Shannon and I run mOTivate minds which is a blog on Promoting Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being Through an OT Lens! It includes tons of resources! Check it out